Producer Reporting Form

Producer Reporting Form for 3rd Quarter 2024 For Quantity of Packaging, Placed On the Slovenian Market



Company data

VAT Number
Registration number
Post code and city
Date of conclusion of the contract
Name and surname of the person, who fulfilled the form
Telephone number

Please fill-in the data in KG in whole digits (no decimals)

Packaging material The whole mass of packaging, placed on the Slovenian market (including service packaging) From this the mass of service packaging, placed on the Slovenian market
  Household packaging industrial packaging  
Composit packaging
Assembled packaging
Paper and board
Iron and steel
Other materials (ceramic, textile., materials of biological origin)

Composit packaging in packaging, made of two or more layers, which can manually not be torn apart (Tetra pack for example)

Assembled packaging is packaging from two or more materials, which can be manually separated.

Service packaging are objects, designed and used for filling up on the sales points, and objects for single use, which are sold or fulfilled with goods on the sales points.

Producer is a packer, an achiever of packed goods, a producer or an achiever of service goods or a foreign company, which places packaging on the Slovenian market. Producer, who imports (from third countries or EU) packed goods for his own needs, adds the mass of these packaging to the mass of the packaging, placed on the Slovenian market.

Household packaging is packaging of goods for consumers, regardless where this type of packaging is used. Service packaging is also a household packaging.

Industrial packaging is packaging, used in industries or in performing business activities.



Packaging material Composit packaging Assembled packaging
  Household packaging industrial packaging Household packaging industrial packaging
Paper and board
Iron and steel
Other materials (ceramic, textile., materials of biological origin)

For composit and assembled packaging: if the material is less than 5% of the total weight, weight of this material is added to the mass of the prevailing material.


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